Wow. What a weekend; 2 great nights, our logo in the trees, Legacy Team Paddlers on the water at an event, more black lights than CSI, Deecee on the Mic, No water, then Water, a brilliant gathering of sponsors. Tryweryn 2016 we thank you. The National White Water Centre – Canolfan Dŵr Gwyn Genedlaethol, Pyranha Kayaks, Palm Equipment, Alpkit, NRS, Rhino Audio Visual. A big shout out to our Volunteers. Thank you for continuing to give up your time. Remember, River Legacy doesn’t just put on great parties. The money made at the bar is put back into paddling. So if you have a project to improve access or facilities, get in touch with us on FB or email at . Same applies if you would like us to help you run a party at your next event. See you on the water, or at the bar.
Tryweryn Fest 2016 – Wow!
Posted in Events