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Teifi Tour 2016

Teifi Tour 2016

15000249_813830888757918_5218412530113241820_oTHANK YOU to everybody who attended and made this year the best Teifi Tour to date! River Legacy and our partners cannot do anything without you guys who make our events epic!

Big thank you’s to our main sponsors this year dewerstone, Pyranha Kayaks, White Water Consultancy – WWC and VE Paddles. We gave out over £1,500 worth of prizes over the course of the weekend, so make sure you keep an eye out for what’s on offer next year.

This year’s tour made over £4,000, half of which has gone straight to Llandysul Paddlers Centre and the River Teifi. We are determined to improve participation in paddlesport across the UK, be it through improving access and club grants. If you or your club know of a cause that River Legacy can help with, no matter how big or small, get in touch with us at

River Legacy is a charitable trust which organises events through out the UK to raise money to provide facilities, support and funding for paddlesports in the UK.